National Institute of Epidemiology [NIE], Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR] is offering online programmes on conduct of human bio-medical research. The programme will be offered as ?NIE-ICMR e-Certificate? ? NIeCer courses. The first in this series, NIeCer 101:Health Research Fundamentals, is a basic level course in health research methods. It will explain the fundamental concepts in epidemiology and bio-statistics related to research methods. This course will provide an overview of steps and principles for designing bio-medical and health research studies among human participants.
All the instructors are faculty members for the two-year Master of Public Health [MPH] programme at the ICMR School of Public Health of the NIE, Chennai, India. The School is offering MSc (Biostatistics) from this July. Besides the Masters level programmes, the faculty members have been conducting PG diploma and various short-term training programmes in public health/epidemiology and biostatistics. Besides teaching, the faculty members have been conducting epidemiological/public health research.
90-100 - Elite+gold
70-89 - Elite
50-69 - Successfully completed
< 50 - No Certificate