Course Name: Photonic integrated circuits

Course abstract

The course on photonic integrated circuits deals with principles, devices and applications where light propagating in optical waveguides takes the central role. Various aspects that will be dealt are optical waveguide theory; passive, dynamic and functional devices; materials and fabrication technology; systems and applications � optical comunication devices, optical sensors; micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems; and recent developments.

Course Instructor

Media Object

Prof. T. Srinivas

Dr. Srinivas Talabattula is Associate Professor in ECE Dept, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He obtained B Sc (Hons) from New Science College, Hyderabad, and ME (integrated) and Ph D from IISc. He was a post doc at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan during 1992-1996. His area of research interest is optical communications, in particular, photonic integrated circuits. He guided 24 PhD students, and published several papers. He undertook several sponsored a research projects, like National program on Microwave Photonics, National program on Smart structures and Systems, and National program on micro-optics and nanophotonics. He is a member of Expert Committee on Broadband Communications of the Ministry of Communications and IT and an expert member for National Board of Accreditation, Govt of India. He was GATE chairman (IISc zone) during 2010-2013. He is a senior member of IEEE and chairman of IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore Chapter.

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Teaching Assistant(s)

Yadunath T R

Project Assistant, ECE Dept., IISc Bangalore

 Course Duration : Jul-Aug 2017

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 Enrollment : 17-May-2017 to 24-Jul-2017

 Exam registration : 02-Aug-2017 to 23-Aug-2017

 Exam Date : 24-Sep-2017




Certificate Eligible


Certified Category Count





Successfully completed








>=90 - Elite + Gold
60-89 - Elite
40-59 - Successfully Completed
<40 - No Certificate

Final Score Calculation Logic

  • Assignment Score = Average of best 3 out of 4 assignments.
  • Final Score(Score on Certificate)= 75% of Exam Score + 25% of Assignment Score.
Photonic integrated circuits - Toppers list

Enrollment Statistics

Total Enrollment: 1878

Registration Statistics

Total Registration : 73

Data Not Found..!

Assignment Statistics


Exam score

Final score

Score Distribution Graph - Legend

Assignment Score: Distribution of average scores garnered by students per assignment.
Exam Score : Distribution of the final exam score of students.
Final Score : Distribution of the combined score of assignments and final exam, based on the score logic.