Spoc Details

  • Partnering since : Sep-2016
CONGRATS! You are one of the top 100 Local Chapters. Your college is hereby recognized as an ACTIVE Local Chapter.

Course Wise

S.no Course Name Present Gold Elite Silver Success Participation
1Role of Craft and Technology in Interior - Architecture101000
2Building Materials and Composites100100
3Urban utilities Planning : Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage100001
4Introduction to Biomedical Imaging Systems100001
5Sustainable Engineering Concepts And Life Cycle Analysis400031
6Project Planning & Control100001
7Glass in buildings : Design and applications700052
8Municipal Solid Waste Management600024
9Heat Transfer101000
10Natural Gas Engineering201001
11Chemical Process Control100001
12Aspen Plus� simulation software - a basic course for beginners201100
13Introduction to Quantum Computing: Quantum Algorithms and Qiskit101000
14Programming in C++100001
15Programming in Java100100
16Data Base Management System100010
17Cloud computing510150297
18Introduction to Internet of Things100010
19Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things403100
20Data Science for Engineers2209274
21Introduction to Machine Learning101000
22Introduction to Operating Systems100010
23Software Testing1208130
24Social Networks460103015
25The Joy of Computing using Python1103503
26Deep Learning100100
27Python for Data Science301101
28Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods for Problem Solving100001
29Big Data Computing401210
30Distributed Systems200200
31Demystifying Networking101000
32Computer Graphics300021
33Introduction to robotics800008
34Innovation by Design1506162
35Understanding Design300012
36Design, Technology and Innovation383116810
37Introduction to Semiconductor Devices100010
38Digital Circuits101000
39System Design Through VERILOG721211
40Ecology and Environment401021
41Patent Search for Engineers and Lawyers101000
42Developing Soft Skills and Personality202000
43Educational leadership101000
44The Psychology Of Language100010
45Soft skills303000
46Environment and Development201010
47Brief Introduction to Psychology100010
48Psychology of Everyday200101
49Introduction To Japanese Language And Culture100001
50Body language: Key to professional Success302010
51Urbanization and Environment501013
52Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning101000
53Introduction to R Software23151232
54Descriptive Statistics with R Software611400
55Foundations of Cognitive Robotics101000
56Principles of Vibration Control300012
57Rapid Manufacturing504010
58Automation in Manufacturing29013268
59Advances in welding and joining technologies100001
60Introduction to Mechanical Vibration603012
61Product Design and Development1113700
62Principles of Metal Forming Technology100001
63Marketing Management - I101000
64Design Thinking - A Primer540100
65Strategic Communication for Sustainable Development101000
66Innovation, Business Models and Entrepreneurship501121
67Marketing research and analysis200011
68Toyota Production System1003250
69Cost Accounting110000
70The Future of Manufacturing Business: Role of Digital Technologies200200
71Automation in Production Systems and Management100010
72International Business101000
73Structural Analysis of Nanomaterials101000
74Solid State Physics100001

