Spoc Details

  • Partnering since : Jan-2019
CONGRATS! Your college is hereby recognized as an ACTIVE Local Chapter.

Course Wise

S.no Course Name Present Gold Elite Silver Success Participation
1Structural Analysis-I100010
2Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures100100
3Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges101000
4Project Planning & Control100010
5Advanced Concrete Technology100001
6Municipal Solid Waste Management100010
7Introduction to Database Systems100010
8Deep Learning100100
9Compiler Design100010
10VLSI Physical Design201001
11Software Testing101000
12Computer Networks and Internet Protocol100010
13Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems101000
14Machine Learning, ML302010
15Problem Solving through Programming in C200002
16Programming in Java303000
17Object Oriented Analysis and Design101000
18Data Base Management System100010
19Deep Learning201010
20Hardware modeling using verilog702041
21Computer architecture and organization100001
22Cloud computing1005041
23Introduction to internet of things803320
24Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python601014
25Introduction to Machine Learning100010
26Introduction to Operating Systems200020
27Python for Data Science250120310
28The Joy of Computing using Python400400
29Introduction to Programming in C201001
30Big Data Computing1408141
31Practical Machine Learning with Tensorflow400040
32Google Cloud Computing Foundations300003
33Basics in Inorganic Chemistry100001
34Integrated Circuits, MOSFETs, OP-Amps and Their Applications100010
35Principles of Digital Communication100010
36Microprocessors and Microcontrollers101000
37Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation100010
38Design of photovoltaic systems300003
39Electrical Machines - I100100
40Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering200020
41Digital Circuits1003052
42Digital Image Processing211000
43Digital VLSI Testing901044
44Microelectronics: Devices To Circuits302010
45Electrical Distribution System Analysis100001
46Control systems501112
47An Introduction to Coding Theory300012
48Introduction to Embedded System Design1302074
49Fundamentals of Electric vehicles: Technology & Economics100100
50NBA Accreditation and Teaching - Learning in Engineering (NATE)101000
51Ecology and Environment101000
52Stress Management101000
53Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines100100
54Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality202000
55Intellectual Property100010
56Patent Drafting for Beginners301011
57Soft skills100100
58Entrepreneurship and IP strategy300300
59German - I100010
60Numerical methods100100
61Matrix Analysis with Applications110000
62Engineering Mathematics - I704030
63Acoustic Materials and Metamaterials100010
64Automatic Control101000
65Processing of Polymers and Polymer Composites211000
66Operations Management100100
67IC Engines and Gas Turbines100001
68Rapid Manufacturing402020
69Advances in welding and joining technologies110000
70Fundamentals of manufacturing processes201010
71Fundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanisms,Processes and Characterizations101000
72Product Design and Development100010
73Work System Design210100
74Advanced Machining Processes201001
75Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics210100
76Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence100010
77Basics Of Finite Element Analysis-I101000
78Production and Operation Management100010
79Financial Management For Managers101000
81Gender justice and workplace security101000
82Industrial Safety Engineering301110
83Project management for managers100100
84Organizational Behaviour101000
85International Business101000
86Managerial Economics100010
87Marketing Management-I100100
88Theory and Practice of Non Destructive Testing100010
89Solid State Physics100001

